Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Is Your Garage Door Safe From Hurricane?

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The garage doors are very fragile when you think about it. They are held in place only by two steel rails on both sides with ball bearings. An average person can seriously damage a gate or just running the blow. Hurricanes are more powerful and use both the suction pressure to the inside and drawing, which can easily be overcome if a door has been reinforced.

So how do you know if your door is ready hurricanes? It's pretty simple really. Just go to your garage with the door down and try to see if additional reinforcement beams running along the door. If steel belts stolen after the door is not reinforced.

If it is not reinforced so do not worry. You can easily install one yourself by taking a set in a grocery store at home. You can also search companies that sell and install garage doors and openers in your area. Many of these also sell kits and can even install hurricane kits, if you want to do.

It is important to secure your garage door with these kits, but at the same time, you want to make sure you install them properly. These add extra weight to your door and have the potential to unbalance, which can cause your can opener to burn and become unusable.

One last thing to remember is that while the kits do not contribute to force against the winds, they do nothing to protect your door impact of projectiles, branches, signs, or boards So if you think you are in danger of hurricane, you should consider buying a new garage door is specially built to withstand hurricane damage.